No Amnesty for Tax Cheats!
What galls me the most is that these morons in Congress and that moron W want to give illegals who have evaded tax laws special immunity from prosecutiion.
If I did not pay taxes for years, used forged documents and someone else's social security number, I would go to jail, they would put a tax lien on my house and bank account, and make my life a living hell.
But, W hates taxes--unless owed by an American citizen--so much that he got the back-tax and penalty provision pulled from the bill:
The Bush administration insisted on a little-noticed change in the bipartisan Senate immigration bill that would enable 12 million undocumented residents to avoid paying back taxes or associated fines to the Internal Revenue Service, officials said.
A provision requiring payment of back taxes had been in the initial version of a bill proposed by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat. But the administration called for the provision to be removed due to concern that it would be too difficult to figure out which illegal immigrants owed back taxes.
That is an absolute travesty, and any American citizen or legal resident who has dutifully paid taxes over their lifetime, knowing that they would suffer harsh penalties if they did not do so, should be appalled that these tax cheats are being given blanket amnesty, and would not have to pay the same price as you or I if we had done the same thing.
How could any American taxpayer support having less legal protection than illegal immigrants?
Shame on you, W, and shame on every Congressman/woman who voted for this amnesty bill!
If I did not pay taxes for years, used forged documents and someone else's social security number, I would go to jail, they would put a tax lien on my house and bank account, and make my life a living hell.
But, W hates taxes--unless owed by an American citizen--so much that he got the back-tax and penalty provision pulled from the bill:
The Bush administration insisted on a little-noticed change in the bipartisan Senate immigration bill that would enable 12 million undocumented residents to avoid paying back taxes or associated fines to the Internal Revenue Service, officials said.
A provision requiring payment of back taxes had been in the initial version of a bill proposed by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat. But the administration called for the provision to be removed due to concern that it would be too difficult to figure out which illegal immigrants owed back taxes.
That is an absolute travesty, and any American citizen or legal resident who has dutifully paid taxes over their lifetime, knowing that they would suffer harsh penalties if they did not do so, should be appalled that these tax cheats are being given blanket amnesty, and would not have to pay the same price as you or I if we had done the same thing.
How could any American taxpayer support having less legal protection than illegal immigrants?
Shame on you, W, and shame on every Congressman/woman who voted for this amnesty bill!
At 2:03 AM, Anonymous said…
Henry, is from his volume, Sixes and Sevens , and is republished by permission of its publishers, Doubleday, Page & Co. Ye can lave your things here a-hanging on the rack.. Gideon followed her slowly.. It is well she has no children; they'd be lost sheep if brought up in her fold.. Pardon me--I understand there are no letters; may I know the way in which he formulated his declaration and promises? Hymn-books, said the girl, briefly.. ] [Footnote 9: Fred Lewis Pattee, in The Cambridge History of American Literature, Vol.. Brede's voice arose, after an awful stillness of what seemed like five minutes, and was, probably, thirty seconds: Mr.. Thomas in? Good-morning, sir, said the figure.. The Colonel recovered his politeness.. I agree, in general, with my friend on the other side of the room.. For it is not easy to get the necessary material sufficiently isolated to prove the symbolism. ' Ross mentally dug within himself for sources of rich streams of conversation.. Of course he is a madman, a fool, and you are the genius who understands all about it.. A bargain's a bargain, an' I allus stick to one I make.. Ever had any champagne, Gideon? Gideon struggled for politeness.. The aim, as well as the result, of the suppression is to stop the development of this pain.. The Colonel spent that afternoon in making diplomatic inquiries.. Great excellences, my dear Prue, I sometimes allow myself to say, lie concealed in the depths of character, like pearls at the bottom of the sea.. The truth is, that this vision was not in itself a delusion, nor, indeed, half bright enough.. The screws of his resolution had been loosened...
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