
If the truth makes you sick, take an anti-nausea medication before you dare read this!

Sunday, November 28

Photo of the Week

I hereby institute a new tradition, which I may or may not post weekly.

This gem is of Bush trying to shove his way past Clinton so that the Current President could be the First Visitor in the brand-spanking new Clinton Library.

Bush Push Posted by Hello

It reminds me of the famous schtick on All In The Family when Archie and Meathead would get stuck in the doorway as they both tried to squeeze through at the same time.

Found on
The Republic of T.

How can the Democratic Party Recover from the 2004 Election?

After the election of 3 weeks ago, it is clear that the democratic party needs to restructure. How can they do that, with the GOP running all branches of government in Washington?

The answer is remarkably simple. I believe that the GOP will self-destruct, as their policices are not based upon much more than wishful thinking. Iraq and the economy both are potential disasters of their own making. And what other potential disasters are awaiting?

President Bush took very little time to evaluate his 51% election victory as a mandate, and that he would expend his political capital to push the US further to the right. As one who has opposed Bush since the 2000 primaries, I can only say 'Go for it, W!'

Personally, I think the best way for the democrats to succeed is to just quietly sit back and let the GOP screw up. Maybe make some noise on the big issues, but quietly allow them to do their evil work on most things. They are already signs of strain, with the GOP refusing to follow the will of the American people and the 9/11 Commission to reform intelligence to protect America. Just let them screw things up for a while, and let people like us keep them honest, and hopefully the media will be a little less enamoured of Bush and the GOP and will point out their follies. Let the GOP work their imaginary 'mandate' on the US, and see if Americans approve or dissaprove.

It seems more and more impossible for the US to succeed in Iraq. We went in under false pretenses, with the flawed premise that we could impose a democracy by the barrel of a gun, and that somehow an exit strategy would miraculously appear when needed. Iraqis would dance in the streets, throw rose petals at our troops' feet, and would instantly become compassionate conservatives and vote for Ahmed Chalabi, the GOP nominee. Unfortunately, things went awry right from the beginning. Even before Bush declared Mission Accomplished, the looting had begun, and those of us in our right minds were wondering what we were going to do next.

I cannot comprehend what Bush really planned the exit strategy to be. After all, he was as silent on that as he was the real reason we invaded. But those of us opposed to the invasion seemed to realise that Saddamn's secular Iraq was what was keeping Iraq from a Civil War, which could quite possibly be won by the majority Shiites, and that a Shiite government would almost certainly oppose the US. In fact, a Shiite Iraq could easily transform Iraq from the only Middle East nation without an al Qaeda presence into a hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

On the economy, the jobs situation is marginal, and the Bush Administration's weak dollar policy is destined to bite us in the keister eventually. Our reliance on terrorist oil is foolish, and the US cannot produce enough oil to power all of those Supersized Unamerican Vehicles that the Bush Administration gave selective tax breaks for. What IS Bush's economic policy, other than tax cuts and legislation protecting America's bad doctors from malpractice suits? Really!

So, the best strategy the democratic party can follow is to let the GOP have their way.

The second question is, is this best for America? After all, letting Bush have his way got us embroiled in Iarq, and I really don't think any American can say, with what we know now, that this was in America's best interests. If Bush is as incompetent as I believe he is, allowing him to mold America for the next 4 years in the hope that this will bring America to its senses is a dangerous strategy for the DNC. But, I know people that honestly believe that is the only thing that will bring real change.

The constant in politics is that the pendulum will swing to either side at various times. The GOP will not have the absolute power they now enjoy ad infinitum. At some point, perhaps in 2 or 4 years, the pendulum will swing back to the left. It is undeniable that it has swung to the right, and the issue is whether the pendulum is at its apex, or is still swinging rightward?

Friday, November 26

Happy Holidays

Now is the time of year that we hear the most inane of all salutations: Happy Holidays.

Have a more vapid, meaningless two words ever been manacled together?

The insanity seems to have started from a recognition that the archaic Merry Christmas is not universally accepted. Someone could be offended, you know. Wouldn't want to do that....wouldn't be prudent!

It is on TV commercials, particularly from those companies that sell a lot of gift-type items in the 30 day shopping spree America goes on starting today. What, do they think I am going to leave holiday presents under the holiday tree for my loved ones? When I buy a Santa doll, or The Story of Christmas book, does the checkout clerk really have no idea what religion I am when they wish me 'Happy Holidays!'?

It is hard to imagine being offended by that well-intentioned achronism. Is a Jew going to fly off the handle if you say Merry Christmas to him? Would a Muslim be offended by a Happy Kwanzaa offered by a friend? Suppose a Jew said Happy Hanukkah to a Bhuddist--would there be bloodshed?

Remember Christmas cards? How 20th Century! At first it was the greeting cards we got at the office that said Happy Holidays, as if our business associates were anxious to wish us a great 2 days off in December. Funny, no one sends Happy 4th of July cards when I have a 2-day holiday, or Happy Thanksgiving cars when I had yesterday and today off. Or maybe they just want us to remember them when hiring outside vendors for the following year. No, that can't be it--they would send us a Happy New Year! card, which would actually get us thinking about the coming year, and to remind us where to get our pens and private investigator services when the contracts run out, if that was their intent.

Then, it escalated: I started getting cards from friends that said Happy Holidays! Hey, you know me! You know my faith, and my offence-tolerence, for goodness sakes! Some had then written 'Merry Christmas' by hand, as if to acknowledge my faith, or maybe just to to acknowledge they know who they are sending it to. Whew! At least there is some recognition that you actually thought about what you were sending me. Why don't I get birthday cards from most of these same people? After all, that's MY day, and if you are so afraid of upsetting me by wishing me a greeting of the wrong winter festival, then send me a bloody birthday card!

It sounds like Happy Holidays was thought-up by an atheist who was desperate for something to say to his friends in December, and for some reason found a wish for a great new year to be woefully insufficient. But, the inventer did not stop to realise that it is vaguely insulting, in a mild way: the person wishing it to me could not be bothered with finding out my winter celebratory preference.

If you know someone who is of a different faith than you, why not wish them a happy or merry celebration of whatever they will be celebrating? Happy Hanukkah, Irving! Happy Kwanzaa, LaShinequa! Merry Christmas, Mark. And wish that Wiccan over in accounting a great Winter Solstice! Heck, I bet they will be happy that you at least care enough to wish them a good holdiay of their choice. It would be personal, not a seasonal Have A Nice Day. Don't know what someone's holiday preference is? Heck, either ask or wish them a good whatever you are celebrating, and if you get the wrong one, maybe they will tell you something about them that you did not already know.

But, PLEASE, don't wish me a Happy Holiday! I'm off for a week--of course I'll be happy, you idiot!

At least Bah, Humbug! is universally accepted!

Thursday, November 25

Thanksgiving Holocaust

Maybe I shouldn't dwell on some things as much as I do. Or maybe I shouldn't read Sherman Alexie books at Thanksgiving time.

But, today I am going to finish what I started years ago: reading Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.

For those of you who do not know this book, it is the true story of the American Holocaust, the American wars against the Native Americans who hatched a sinister plot to populate American territory a few millennia before Christopher Columbus got lost on his trip to India.

I started reading this book years ago, and got to the last chapter and stopped. Not because it wasn't good--it was--but because I could not read it any more. It got too difficult, too painful, reading about slaughter after slaughter of men, women and children by American armies, whose only crime was that they held title to American land, and dared interfere with Manifest Destiny.

After all, I am an American. And my country is supposed to be good, not a nation that launches genocidal wars on indigenous peoples. But, there is no other description of the Indian Wars.

Thanksgiving is supposed to remind us of that day in 1621 when the Pilgrims had the Indians over for dinner, to celebrate a successful harvest. It is NOT supposed to remind us that the descendants of the host killed the descendants of the guests for the next 250 years, and who sent the survivors of this killing spree to Reservations.

Well, maybe that should be part of the day. It will for me.

Florida 2000 v. Ukraine 2004

"We cannot accept this result as legitimate because it does not meet international standards and because there has not been an investigation of the numerous and credible reports of fraud and abuse." Colin Powell.

No, these words were not referring to the 2000 or 2004 US Presidential elections, both of which resulted in complaints of fraud, disenfranchisement and abuse:

2000-in Florida alone, the US Civil Rights Commission found that there was "widespread disenfranchisement and denial of voting rights‚" and that African-Americans‚ "were silenced in this historic election by a pattern and practice of injustice, ineptitude and inefficiency.‚" The brother of the 'sinning' candidate was the governor and the 'winning' candidate's campaign manager was the chief election official in the state that‚ "wrongfully purged from the voter registration rolls, turned away from the polls, and by various other means prevented from exercising the franchise.‚"
2004-At least one precinct in Ohio registered 4000 more votes for the 'winner' than the number of voters registered in the precinct. The Nation as a whole had adopted e-voting, which actually makes recounting impossible.

No, Colin Powell's comment addressed the results of the Ukraine Presidental elections, in which the results had a razor thin margin of victory for the current Prime Minister, Viktor Yanukovych: 49.46% for Yanukovych, v. candidate Viktor Yushchenko, 46.61%

Curiously, this is virtually identical to the margin of 'victory' by Bush in 2000. Tell me, in 2000, what were the results of of an investigation of the numerous and credible reports of fraud and abuse? Was such an investigation held prior to Bush declaring victory in 2000? Heck, has there been such an investigation into the anomalies in the US 2004 election? We know, for example, that at least one Ohio county had 4000 more votes for Bush than they had registered voters. While it is unlikely that our 2004 election results would have been different had the anomalies not occurred, Powell's statement seems to hold Ukraine to a much higher standard than the US.

It does strike me as interesting that the Ukranians seem much more upset at their disenfranchisement than Floridians did in 2000. Perhaps it is the fact that Ukraine has not had elections for as long as the US, and maybe they value their precious voting right much more than Americans. Maybe we take it a bit more for granted. Or, maybe Floridians and Americans in general are more concerned with our comfort than we are with our rights.

Wednesday, November 24

Why is US paying for Iraq

People often come up to me and say 'OZ, why is the US paying all of the costs of invading Iraq, instad of having Iraq pay?'

That is an excellent question.

Since the 1st reason we were given for invading Iraq, to save America from imminent annihilation by Iraq's WMDs [paraphrased] didn't pan out, we went to Reason B.

Reason B: We invaded Iraq because this was part of the War Against Terrorists. Then, when it turned out that Bush had managed to invade the only nation in the entire Middle East without an al Qaeda presence, we then got Reason C.

Reason C was that we removed a nasty dictator, killed his 2 malevolent sons, and liberated the wonderful people of Iraq. Then, the wonderful people of Iraq picked up RPGs and started making IEDs and began killing as many of their 'liberators' as they could. Then came Reason D.

Reason D is easily remembered. D stands for Dumbassery, or Dumb for short. Reason D said that we picked a neutral country to fight the terrorists in, blew the bejesus out of it, left the borders [and ammo dumps] unguarded, and let the terrorists come to us, because 'it is better to fight them over there than over here.' [GWB, standard stump speech line].

We could have charged the Iraqi people for our pest-removal services if we had stuck by Reason C, but when Bush started excusing the invasion with Reason D, it kinda blew our chances of collecting from the wonderful, liberated Iraqis when they started getting blown to bits instead of us. After all, we chose to play an away game, and it isn't really fair to charge the home team for the costs of destroying their stadium, is it?