
If the truth makes you sick, take an anti-nausea medication before you dare read this!

Monday, May 15

Send the Guard to the Border

I initially opposed W's apparent call for the National Guard to be used to finally protect our border.

After much reflection, I am going to reverse myself here. Heck, if W can do it, I can, too, right?

My initial assessment was a knee-jerk Bush-bashing that was made without thinking through the issue. Now, I've had time to do that.

It is clear that W's decision to send the National Guard to the borders has a 2-pronged mission. First, W knows from personal experience in the Gaurd that they have a lot of free time. Heck, when he was in the guard during what was previously considered our most senseless war [until Iraq], he didn't even have to show up. He had time to work on political campaigns in AL, and to do Lord knows what else, since not a soul can recall what he did during that time, and if he can, he ain't talking. That experience shaped W's view of the Guard, and I think it is about time that America accepts that W has the 1st-had experience to come to this conclusion.

Heck, I've never been in the Guard, so all I know is what I've read in those liberal newspapers, talking about deployments to Iraq, deployments to hurricane zones, etc. W does not read the papers, so his 1st-had recollection of his guard experience is not sullied by such clearly false reports. I defer to his 1st-hand knowledge.

Secondly, and most importantly, the border with Mexico is mostly desert. Now, these same National Guard troops will soon be sent to the deserts of Iran to fight swarthy folks in the desert. I think the obvious training of tracking and capturing swarthy folks in our desert, without the high cost of shipping them back to Iraq for another tour there to toughen them up is an excellent way to prepare them for WMDebacle Part 2: Iran. It will also save money, which we need in order to pay for the tax cuts on America's richest citizens, who have sacrificed for this war enough.

So, who can be against that?

Friday, May 5

Screw You de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo, where idiots celebrate a rare Mexican military victory. Yes, the Mexican army defeated the French in a battle, and for some reason the US celebrates it. Heck, if the Russians, Germans and British celebrated on every date in history they defeated a French Army, and we joined in, we'd never get anything done.

Now, here's my idea: Mexico has invaded us with an 'army' of 11 million people who are illegally in the US. Monday, on Uno de Mayo, Mexicans niƱocotted the US. And, today, they want us to forget about that and to celebrate along with them.

To that, I say Screw You!

Let's boycott all Cinco de Mayo celebrations. The beer tastes like pi$$ anyways [if you have to add fresh fruit to the beer, that should be a warning that the beer sux], and the food is likely prepared and served by the invading army of illegales. Your buying this from them and tipping them just adds economic incentive for them to come here.

If they want to celebrate one of their few military victories, God bless 'em. But, don't encourage their illegal activities by participating as if you want them to be illegally here!

Yes, we should show Mexico just how proud we are of the Mexican Invasion by totally and completely ignoring all things Mexican Friday. Drink American beer at an American establishment. Drink a daiquiri or rum runner instead of a margarita.

Screw you De Mayo!

Spread the word!